Clinical Pathway Team Lead (Nursing) at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
London UB10 8RE, , United Kingdom -
Full Time

Start Date


Expiry Date

29 Apr, 25



Posted On

29 Jan, 25


0 year(s) or above

Remote Job




Sponsor Visa



Good communication skills


Hospital/Health Care


An exciting Nursing clinical leadership role for working at the forefront of the Hillingdon Rapid Response team to provide clinical and management leadership to an exciting team to empower the service to deliver high-quality interventions for avoidable hospital admission and facilitating discharges from acute hospital settings.
You will be responsible for supporting the teams to clinically advance and for the delivery of evidence-based interventions through direct care, supervision, training, and education with the practitioners in the team.
The post holder will work autonomously within professional guidelines and the overall framework of the service’s policies and procedures. They will utilise research skills for audit to support policy and service development; and undertake research within the area served by the service and of relevance to young people their families and carers.
Applicants must be qualified and registered Nurse with extensive post-graduate experience working with Adults providing patient-centered care and leading a team in the community.
The post holder will work closely with the service manager to support the development and delivery of the adult community services in Hillingdon and will be responsible for operationally managing staff, caseload, and treatment pathway management and for monitoring performance indicators and ensuring clinical supervision for all staff in the teams is in line with local and national protocols.
The post holder will be expected to lead on service transformation in line with the NHS Long Term Plan, co-produce, and support the evolution of pathway interventions with the community services. who will co-ordinate the approach to Quality and Clinical Governance and assurance frameworks to maintain and monitor high standards of care, ensuring services meet quality and performance standards.
We are passionate about delivering first-class patient-centred, safe, and effective care, whether it is in a hospital setting, in a community clinic or in the patient’s own home. Patients are at the heart of everything we do. Providing top-quality care depends on our ability to employ the best people. We are always looking to recruit outstanding people who will go the extra mile to support our patients, colleagues, teams and the Trust. With every new employee were hoping to find our future leaders and we will support our staff by providing opportunities to develop your career.
With a diverse culture and equally diverse range of opportunities across mental health, community services, addictions, eating disorders, learning disabilities and more whatever stage of your career you’re at, there’s always a place for you at CNWL
The successful applicant may have contact with patients or service users. As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings.



This is a highly skilled clinical post requiring the post holder to manage clinical risk in a fast paced community environment.
The post holder will be responsible for the leadership of a borough-based clinical pathway for the urgent community response (nurses, paramedics, AHPs, and support staffs) and Home First Pathway having direct line management responsibility for clinicians in their pathway and professional responsibility for senior clinicians of their own background across the service as required.
The post holder will be responsible for ensuring that staff working within the Pathway provide effective assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care that meets professional and organisational quality standards.
The post holder will be responsible for the leadership of a borough-based clinical pathway for the urgent community response (nurses, paramedics, and AHPs) and Home First Pathway having direct line management responsibility for clinicians in their pathway and professional responsibility for senior clinicians of their own background across the service as required.
The post holder will be responsible for ensuring that staff working within the Pathway provide effective assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care that meets professional and organisational quality standards.
The main objective of the role is to lead and be accountable for the delivery of the Hillingdon Urgent Community Response (UCR) and Home First (HF) Service comprising of multi-disciplinary team members.
Post holder ensures that the UCR & HF services are managed effectively to the agreed standards of CNWL and within budget in line with the service specification outlined by commissioners

Post holder represents the service and the clients it represents at directorate level and contributes to directorate and Hillingdon Community Health plans through the development of specific service objectives and takes necessary action to ensure those objectives are met

  • Post holder manages service budgets
  • Post holder provides highly specialised Nursing skills to deliver UCR and Home First clinical pathways to designated client groups to prevent unnecessary hospital admission.
  • Be a clinical expert to offer clinical supervision to the team members and actively participate in developing autonomous practitioners.


  1. Line Management Responsibilities
    a. To line manage clinical and non-clinical staff, ensuring that individual staff performance, appraisal, and development are robustly undertaken to optimise individual and organisational performance and that all staff has access to continuing professional education and development to maximise performance.
    b. To ensure that all staff in the service are competent and have the skills required for their post and where necessary are performance managed in line with Trust policies, procedures and processes.
    c. To manage and monitor performance, disciplinary and sickness issues referring to other agencies as required.
    d. To ensure that staff management arrangements are consistent with HR policies and procedures within the Trust and to ensure that good practice in recruitment, appraisal, performance management and other policies are maintained.
    e. To continually review the workforce to ensure that it reflects the service plans and priorities, implementing skill mix review, role redesign and changes to working practices as required.
  2. Financial Responsibilities
    a. To manage the operating budget effectively, remain within the allocated resources for the financial year, including budget setting and projections.
    b. To proactively monitor complex financial and performance information/ targets and ensured that these are maintained, taking action where necessary to address variances.
    c. To act as an authorising signatory for capital and revenue budgets with agreed limits.
    d. To ensure delivery of all key quality, financial and cost improvement and performance targets.
    e. To manage and monitor external contracts ensuring delivery within financial parameters.
    f. Lead and co-ordinate work to develop the service improvement programme, ensuring that robust and detailed plans are in place to deliver the required level of efficiency savings.
  3. Clinical Responsibilities
    a. To provide clinical leadership for the urgent care response and home first / D2A services ensuring optimum quality and standards.
    b. To act as a clinical expert in a defined area of Nursing practice eg: prescribing, ACP, end of life care etc.
    c. To be the clinical specialist resource when developing and extending the service in line with any commissioning requests.
    d. To manage a small clinical caseload of complex patients, implementing and evaluating care programmes with patients and their families.
    e. To ensure that care provided is evidence-based.
    f. To ensure that service users and carers are consulted about and involves in all aspects of service development and planning.
    g. To liaise with partner organisations, both statutory and voluntary to enable provision of holistic care.
    h. To ensure that clinical audit takes place in line with local and mandatory developments.
  4. Education and Training
    a. To develop and deliver training programs to multidisciplinary groups including external stakeholders and GPs as required.
    b. To support and encourage reflective practice within the service, helping to identify the learning needs in respect of speech & language therapy.
    c. To contribute to educational programmes both in clinical services and local universities, enhancing links between them.
    d. Maintain a specialist level of knowledge by keeping updated on new developments both national and international.
    e. Ensure information provided for patients and their carers is accurate, adheres to current guidelines, and is timely and easily accessible.
    f. Provide specialist practice-based teaching and learning support to other health care professionals.
    g. To participate in an annual appraisal and maintain a personal development plan.
  5. Policy Development and Service Improvement
    a. Ensure that policies, procedures, clinical governance arrangements, and lines of accountability are in place, appropriate, and well communicated to all staff to ensure safe clinical service delivery.
    b. Be aware of and act in accordance with, the Trust’s clinical and organisational policies and guidelines.
    c. Be aware of and act in accordance with, Professional Codes of conduct, Standards and Guidelines.
    d. Initiate and, where appropriate, take lead responsibility for specific areas in the development and local implementation of the Trust’s clinical and operational guidelines and policies.
    e. To review service provision identifying gaps and where improvement can be made.
    f. To undertake service development with a view to continually improving the service efficiency, performance, reference costs and quality. To include an understanding of demand and capacity, skill mix of service, DNAs and key performance indicators.
    g. Maintain accurate and contemporaneous records.
    h. Maintain own knowledge and skills as a specialist practitioner.
    i. Be responsible for own professional development through active learning and reflective practice.
    j. Actively participate in clinical supervision on a regular basis in line with Trust guidelines