Start Date
Expiry Date
23 Apr, 25
Posted On
24 Jan, 25
15 year(s) or above
Remote Job
Sponsor Visa
Good communication skills
Hospital/Health Care
Job Summary The post holder will be accountable for: 1 The co-creation and consistent application of the vision for a strategic population health management approach across the city to facilitate delivery of improved outcomes, reduced health inequalities and greater person-centred integrated care, and ensuring the application of population health management approaches at all levels across the city and where appropriate, ICS. 2 Leading the city in prioritising, scoping and enabling delivery of a constantly refreshed set of major programmes that address key population and system risks. 3 Ensuring benefits are clearly articulated, owned, and tracked for all major programmes, and managing the organisational, partnership and system conditions required for benefits to be released. Leading the establishment and effective implementation of contractual, financial, and risk-sharing mechanisms that align provider incentives to both person and system needs, without creating unwarranted risk to partners.
Establishing an understanding of the Leeds health and care market, supporting interventions in line with our strategy that deliberately build or protect capability in specific sectors or providers and the overall system. Ensuring that plans and reporting connect across organisational, place and system priorities, providing assurance that balances short term performance with long-term impact. Delivering financial sustainability across key multi-million-pound budgets including primary care. Main Duties and Responsibilities (approximately 15 - 20 areas) Leadership 1.
Co-create, articulate, and apply a vision for population health management and value-based healthcare. 2. Help shape the development of Integrated Care Partnerships in the Leeds Place working alongside colleagues across West Yorkshire ICS. 3.
Remain fully conversant with NHS strategy and plans and aligns these with the Leeds approach to deliver all necessary requirements. 4. Work with the Accountable Officer (Leeds), The Leeds Health & Care Partnership Leadership Team and wider leadership team to lead the development of a high performing and collaborative partnership. 5.
Work closely with ICB procurement and contract colleagues to develop innovative contractual and incentive models to support acceleration of neighbourhood health and a value-based health care system. 6. Ensure that the city develops to become a leading proponent of population health management and value based healthcare in the UK. 7.
Create a coaching and distributive culture across the ICB with high trust and high expectations. 8. Lead the identification, prioritisation and development of the city-wide strategic initiatives for the effective management health & financial risk through application of actuarial analysis and health economics. 9.
Work with the LMC and the GP Confederation to secure general practice leadership and buy-in to the strategy and specific programmes. 10. Ensure Neighbourhood health develops and embodies a person centred and value based health care focus alongside partners in the Leeds health and Care Partnership. Performance 11.
Directing, maintaining and managing the performance of the ICB team in Leeds, ensuring that it discharges its responsibilities in relation to the Health and Social Care Act, the NHS Constitution and Mandate. 12. Ensuring that progress is being made towards delivery of the improvements in health outcomes and reduction in health inequalities using available resources and resolving problems, in line with the West Yorkshire ICS Strategy and the Healthy Leeds Plan. 13.
Understanding where performance against delivering outcomes is not strong, and working with partners to understand the reasons for this, and supporting partners to come together and develop solutions. 14. Nurture and provide executive oversight to a PMO that assures and assess issues in delivery across Leeds health & Care partnership plans and thereby ensure risks to delivery are identified and addressed early. Strategy and Planning 15.
Leading the development, adjustment and use of an approach towards developing city-wide outcomes and outcomes at population cohort level across adults and children including defining and agreeing ambitious but attainable improvements 16. Ensure there is a strong understanding of both the concept of population health risk and the actual health risks across all population areas among a wide range of city partners. 17. Utilising all available data, behavioural insights and evidence to lead the development of medium and long-term forecasts with and for all population groups identifying health & financial opportunities across all population cohorts.
18. Ensuring that all forecasts address the Leeds Health & Care Partnerships commitment to left shift and are fully aligned to Health & Wellbeing Strategies commitment to improve the health of the poorest fastest. 19. Working with colleagues across the Leeds Health & Care Partnership, ensure that the population outcomes and forecasts drive the development of city-wide priorities and operational plans.
20. Working closely with the Director of Partnerships and Operations ensure plans are in place to effectively resource the key areas of work including gaining public support and behavioural insights and access to required project support. Engagement and Partnership 21. Ensuring that the development of outcomes and forecasts are led by clinical and other professionals including those in the local authority and the third sector, working through the citys Population and Care Boards.
22. Leading the city in agreeing the ambitions and adjustments required by the monitoring of progress and forecasts of risk at a population level 23. Ensuring that all published forecasts describe an approach to public involvement and include insights gained and that this reflects the priority in the city to address health inequalities and those potentially excluded. 24.
Work closely with the City Council to ensure appropriate focus within plans on the wider determinants of health including housing, education, and employment. 25. Leading conversations with the public and their representatives to make the case for change especially when the change is significant or contentious. 26.
Contributing to a culture that engages and encourages colleagues and members to be innovative and fully engaged throughout a period of immense change and challenge. Corporate, Human Resources, Financial & Contracting Responsibilities 27. Ensuring the Leeds ICB Team executes its functions effectively, efficiently and economically, in accordance with the requirements of the West Yorkshire ICB 28. Responsibility for all out of hospital budgets (and contracts) including mental health, community, third-sector and primary care.
29. Manage a directorate running cost budget in line with the ICB scheme of delegation and standing financial instructions. 30. Ensure that in developing forecasts and potential areas for intervention that robust benchmarking is undertaken to determine best value opportunities at system level 31.
Ensuring the effective day-to-day management of a team taking accountability for all areas of management including recruitment, individual and team development, as well as required sickness, grievance and disciplinary processes in line with CCG policies. 32. Ensuring that all relevant city plans have robust governance and risk management systems in place. 33.
Avoiding conflicts of interest; and not accepting benefits from third parties by declaring any interest in any proposed transaction or arrangement with or being considered by the ICB Committee in Leeds. General The post holder will: Treat people with dignity and respect. Maintain a high standard of professional and personal conduct. Develop a culture that promotes equality and values diversity.
The post holder must be aware of and committed to the equality and diversity policies of the organisation. Ensure the principles of openness, transparency and candour are observed and upheld in all working practices. Ensure compliance with all mandatory and statutory training relevant to the post. Be familiar with and adhere to the safeguarding policies, procedures, and guidelines for both children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect.
This must be in conjunction with the Multi-agency Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults at risk of abuse or neglect Multi- Agency Policy, Protocols and guidelines. Ensure that any infection prevention and control issues are reported appropriately. Be aware of and adhere to the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act and to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. Maintain confidentiality and adhere to the principles of data security and data protection.
Follow a professional Code of Conduct, where relevant to the post. Participate in the organisational appraisal process. Be expected to undertake ongoing professional and personal development in line with the responsibilities of the post
Please refer the Job description for details