Start Date
Expiry Date
12 Mar, 25
Posted On
06 Feb, 25
3 year(s) or above
Remote Job
Sponsor Visa
Evaluations, Security Training, Sanitation, Environmental Science, Travel, English, Program Management, Red Cross, French, Conflict, Water, Capacity Building
Information Technology/IT
Bli en del av världens främsta katastroforganisation Röda Korset är världens största humanitära nätverk, med uppdrag att förhindra och lindra mänskligt lidande. Röda Korset finns i hela världen, för att hjälpa människor som drabbas av kriser, konflikter och naturkatastrofer. Svenska Röda Korset driver verksamhet inom kris och katastrof, skyddsfrågor samt hälsa och vård. Vi har förtroendet att omsätta bidrag från individer, företag och myndigheter i konkreta insatser för de mest utsatta. Vi kämpar för att rädda liv, och ge hopp, överallt och varje dag. Oavsett i vilken roll du jobbar är du med och bidrar – i just din profession och genom handlingskraft och mod. Välkommen till vår värld!
As our Emergency WaSH Advisor, you work as a specialist giving guidance, support, and quality assurance in WaSH emergency response. The role holds both strategic and operational support throughout the project or programme cycle.
The support is given to the Red Cross Red Crescent National Society partners who implement the SRC supported projects and programmes. Your work is performed in close collaboration with other SRC staff, such as geographical managers and desks officers, other advisors, and - of course - representatives from the supported National Society Partners as well as delegates, people deployed from the Swedish Red Cross to support in-country. In WaSH specificities you work very close with our other WaSH advisor the Community WaSH Advisor and the Green Response Advisor. You will also be part of a Health and WaSH team.
In larger emergency response, when a WaSH ERU is requested by the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), you give support, in close collaboration with technical colleagues in other WaSH ERU-holding Partner National Societies (PNS). You develop and work with a pool of delegates to deploy to WaSH ERUs and to other WaSH missions. The emergency response work is conducted in close collaboration with Disaster Management colleagues at the Global Response Unit. The role includes budget responsibility.
Besides operational work, your role includes staying up to date in your thematic area of expertise and to function as an expert and spokesperson in the emergency WaSH area, internally and externally. Networking, maintaining a dialogue with strategic actors and sharing of experiences and best practices are important parts of your role. Resource mobilization including proposal writing and program development is also included in the role.
Please refer the Job description for details