Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Manager at Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
SIP4, England, United Kingdom -
Full Time

Start Date


Expiry Date

11 Feb, 25



Posted On

12 Nov, 24


0 year(s) or above

Remote Job




Sponsor Visa



Good communication skills


Hospital/Health Care


Do you have strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skills?
Are you looking for a new challenge and motivated to make a difference?
If the answer is yes, then this could be a brilliant opportunity for you…
We are seeking to recruit a motivated operational leader to support the delivery of our Emotional Health & Wellbeing service across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
The successful candidate must have a passion and interest in influencing improved outcomes for children and young people experiencing mild to moderate emotional health and wellbeing related needs.
As the lead for the service, you will be responsible for the Mental Health support teams in schools and therefore will need to have the drive and enthusiasm to work across the health and education sectors and practice as a collaborative leader.
The purpose of the role is to ensure quality and effectiveness of service delivery and this will be achieved through monitoring performance and in terms of qualitative and quantitative data and working closely with the commissioner of the service.
The successful post holder will have line management responsibilities to the MHST clinical and team leads and will work closely with the clinical psychology lead as well as the other MHST service manager across our wider organisation.
Why not click on the link to the Job Description and find out more about the role.
We look forward to receiving your application!
The post holder will provide leadership, expertise, service management, and will be accountable for the delivery of the Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service delivery across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough; the Mental Health Support Teams (MHST). MHST’s will be based within schools, ensuring children and young people receive faster access to earlier mental health support.
Working closely with the MHST Team and Clinical Leads, the post holder will provide strategic and operational leadership, ensuring the delivery of a quality service to meet local and national standards and KPIs.
This is a strategic role, working with partnership agencies, to support the delivery of the MHST service.
As well as being part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Children and Young People’s Health Services you will also work with system partners across the localities.
Rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission, we are proud to provide high quality innovative services across most of the east of England that enable people to receive care closer to home and live healthier lives.
There’s one reason why our services are outstanding – and that’s our amazing staff who, for the seventh year running, rated us incredibly highly in the national staff survey.
If you share our passion for innovative and high-quality care delivery, then please submit your application and join us on our exciting journey as a leading-edge specialist community provider. All are welcome to apply and our promise to you is a culture which prioritises staff engagement and development.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
1. Manage the expanding MHST’s working in conjunction with Clinical and Team Leads to ensure successful delivery of the work
2. Be responsible for the line management of staff in accordance with Trust policies and procedures.
3. Be responsible for establishing and maintaining working relationships with key partners and stakeholders
4. Lead effectively, with enthusiasm and by example, within Trust values, Honesty, Empathy, Ambition and Respect (HEAR) through effective communication; service model and structures; and facilitating staff, stakeholder and service user involvement
5. Ensure the vision, purpose and objectives of the organisation is integrated into the service and staff’s job descriptions and that appraisals reflect these priorities
6. Interpret future Government (National/Local) directives as well as relevant clinical guidelines (in conjunction with MHST Clinical Leads) and ensure these are implemented in future service planning
7. Responsible for establishing and maintaining working relationships with key partners and stakeholders:
8. Externally to include NHS England, Health Education England, the Department for Education and the Integrated Care Boards.
a. Externally with schools and other local partners
b. Internally with other Norfolk CCS NHS Trust services, for example, the Healthy Child Programme
c. Internally with existing MHST’s in Norfolk & Waveney, working closely with the counterpart Service Manager
9. Develop and lead on projects for service wide initiatives
10. Responsible for governance, including patient and staff safety, in line with Trust Policies and procedures
11. Demonstrate key leadership skills as identified in the NHS Leadership Framework. 12. Develop and implement policies and guidelines impacting across the whole service
12. Provide clinical advice and support to the teams as appropriate to the post holder’s experience and qualifications
13. Undertake supervision and ensure skills are refreshed in accordance with continuing professional development appropriate to the post holders experience and qualifications
14. Promote and market the EHWB local service offer to key stakeholders
15. Represent the Trust at performance meetings, where appropriate
16. Accountable for the delivery and performance reporting of the MHST’s to meet KPIs and the development and monitoring of remedial action plans where required
17. Contribute to the strategic development and planning of the service and implement objectives and actions from agreed service plans
1. Communicate highly complex or sensitive or contentious issues relating to the EHWB work to a wide range of audiences, such as senior management, service users and their families/carers, schools, and other professionals
2. Influence decisions regarding service delivery through leading meetings
3. Communicate service-related information to senior managers, senior clinicians, and external agencies
4. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, within the MHST, children services and across the Trust and externally with key stakeholders and commissioners
5. Establish and maintain positive relationships with professionals, agencies, charities and teams who also provide services to children and/or adolescents in the community. These relationships are a key part of the role in which you will be representing CCS NHS Trust
6. Ensure clients and their carers/families are aware of the standards they would expect from the service
7. Use sophisticated communication skills to impart difficult or unwelcome news to patients and staff for example, complaints, patient experience, disciplinary, performance and grievance matters
8. Analyse, provide reports and interpret information from data and communicate this information
9. Lead the investigation of incidents and complaints within the service and participate in the process within the wider organisation at the request of senior managers
10. Demonstrate the ability to reconcile conflicting interests as they arise


  1. EHWS Clinical Lead and the Clinical and Team Leads of the MHST’s
  2. Commissioners in the Integrated Care Board, NHSE, HEE and the DfE
  3. MHST colleagues within the MHST’s, and across the country as the services are developed
  4. Cambridgeshire & Peterborough wider children’s health Service Leads
  5. University of East Anglia, who are the training provider for the Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP’s)
  6. School partners, including Head Teachers, Mental Health Champion/Lead, Teachers, SENCO’s and Teaching Assistants
  7. CAMHS & Younited colleagues
  8. Social Care and Early Help Colleagues
  9. SEND colleagues, including Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists
  10. Other Managers and Clinical Staff
    Budgetary Responsibility
  11. Responsible for achieving balance in delegated budgets, interpreting income and expenditure positions, budget statements and other information
  12. Ensure the budget is managed effectively and that efficiency savings are identified and achieved to meet the Trusts cost improvement programme
  13. Develop business cases and Service Level Agreements for service developments ensuring that the implications of service change or developments have been accurately assessed
  14. Participate in setting yearly income targets and expenditure budgets
  15. Be an authorised signatory
    People Management
  16. Maintaining own professional development and requirement to take part in appraisal and KSF process
  17. Responsible for day-to-day management of a group of senior staff including appraisal, grievance, disciplinary, performance management, appointing panel member at recruitment, reviewing work performance and progress
  18. In conjunction with clinical colleagues and other stakeholders devise, develop and implement new ways of working, taking appropriate advice from corporate colleagues. This might include skill-mix reviews and other staffing strategies
  19. Ensure that the recruitment, retention, motivation and development of staff is a key management priority
  20. Lead the workforce planning and review processes within the service via the Training Needs Analysis process, working with corporate service colleagues as necessary
  21. Ensure human resource initiatives, such as improving working lives, diversity, and safe employment are implemented and embedded, as well as seeking to develop new ways of working to improve service delivery and patient care
  22. Implement all human resource policies within the service
  23. Provide all staff with appropriate support and training to undertake their jobs satisfactorily, including mandatory training
  24. Meet the Trust target rate for mandatory training and appraisal compliance
  25. Ensure all staff within the service receives an appropriate annual appraisal, which will include the establishment of key objectives and personal development plans to enhance team and individual performance
  26. Develop morale and motivation through effective personal leadership, ensuring views and decisions are communicated across the management and service structure
  27. Ensure appropriate recording of meetings, supervisions and management actions and maintenance of personnel files
    Research & Development Activity
  28. To lead and participate in regular audits, quarterly reporting, and research projects for the improvement of the team’s clinical practice
  29. To present findings and outcomes of the implementation of the MHST and support the continual improvement of the team and roll out of subsequent teams
  30. Empower and facilitate a research and development culture that enables staff to take a critical and innovative approach to practice
    Clinical and Practice Governance
  31. Participate fully in providing quality care in line with local and national guidelines e.g. NICE Guidance & Quality Standards relating to children and/or young people with mental health difficulties and social care difficulties
  32. Follow emergency/crisis care protocols when required
  33. Observe and maintain strict confidentiality with regards to any patient/family/staff/records and information in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act
  34. Any data that is taken/shared as part of a phone call or transported, faxed, or transferred electronically must be undertaken with regard to the Trust Information Governance and Information Security policies
  35. The post holder must adhere to the Trust risk assessment and risk management processes
  36. The post holder must adhere to infection control policies and procedures
  37. Undertake mandatory training and any other training relevant to the role as required by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
  38. The post holder must participate in clinical and safeguarding audits as required
  39. Provide patients and their families /carers with information on standards they should expect from the team
  40. Participate in supervision on a regular basis
  41. The post holder is required to participate in relevant emergency preparedness process for their team
  42. The post holder is required to participate in relevant emergency preparedness process for their team
    Co-production and Patient Involvement
  43. Actively work to involve young people, families, schools and other stakeholders in service development and delivery
  44. Working with Clinical and Team Leads, capture patient experience. Tailor services according to feedback, keeping the child and family at the centre of all work undertaken
  45. Develop appropriate mechanisms/forums for working with patient groups and voluntary agencies to enhance service deliver

Please refer the Job description for details
