Flow Coordinator at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Sheffield S5 7JT, , United Kingdom -
Full Time

Start Date


Expiry Date

27 May, 25



Posted On

27 Feb, 25


0 year(s) or above

Remote Job




Sponsor Visa



Good communication skills


Hospital/Health Care


This is a 6 month temporary opportunity. Professional To contribute to the development of departmental policies, procedures and guidelines. Maintain a professional appearance in line with the Trust dress code. Uphold the Trusts values and behaviours (available on the Trust web site) and behave in a manner fitting with the responsible position of the post holder, maintaining the public confidence, Maintain professional and courteous working relationships with staff and respect the equality and diversity of each and every person he/she comes into contact with in the course of his/her business Uphold the privacy and dignity of the patient and respect the equality of patients at all time Maintain professional credibility by liaising and involving Ward/Team Managers Maintain professional accountability for ensuring all personal mandatory training needs are met and reviewed regularly Maintain a high profile visible presence within all key areas whilst ensuring the highest standards of professional standards are maintained Work as a professional role model at all times and work as the patient advocate when necessary, which reflects the Trusts values and behaviours Contribute to local resolution of any informal or formal complaints and carry out any follow-up action as required Provide leadership to promote the patient flow and operational agenda.
Key Responsibilities Monitoring Patient Flow and Discharge Process In liaison with colleagues in the crisis hub support the gatekeeping/assessment of potential admissions. Ensure explicit agreement is gained with ward teams regarding discharge plans and coordinated dates of discharge. Challenge the estimated date of discharge (EDD) on ward areas and actively manage escalation to the responsible Ward Manager. Maintain effective personal contact with patients, relatives and carers, being sensitive to their clinical needs and patient placement.
Work alongside the office bed manager to ensure pro-active management within the Trust and community services to avoid admission to hospital where possible. Be fully aware of the Trust bed management policy and conversant with Trust discharge procedures and awareness of all escalation policies. Foster positive relationships across the wards and departments to facilitate immediate patient flow, identifying any shortfalls in capacity. Proactively liaise with other Flow Coordinators, admin support, social care colleagues and care providers to ensure complex packages of care are available and implemented in a timely way to prevent/minimise the occurrence of delayed discharges.
Clinical Leadership Liaise with ward managers and other Flow Coordinators to identify patient bed allocation Liaise with other hospital Trusts to appropriately repatriate patients to and from other providers Instigate the escalation plan when acute inpatients is at or nearing capacity. Plan for and mitigate short-term sickness within the team Liaise with Consultant colleagues, whatever the specialty, to advise, where necessary, of the site bed position to allow a strategy for overcoming such issues. Maintain awareness and competency within the role against national and regional initiatives and subsequently implement these initiatives into practice. Foster and demonstrate creativity, energy and inspiration into wards teams toward efficient patient flows and pathways.
Participate in professional forums where appropriate. As a resource for nursing/medical staff on matter of Trust policy and procedural matters. Quality and Clinical Governance Value and foster a patient centred care focus. Create a culture which recognises and works in partnership with ward and department teams.
Respecting and promoting dignity of all patients and their families/carers. Report where breaches in the dignity agenda have occurred and ensure action is immediate. Assist and participate in Governance and audit as required. Management and Organisational Leadership Participate and lead, where appropriate, bed meetings, gathering appropriate concise information.
Complete the daily metrics when used to inform senior colleagues of the bed position. Contribute to the management of staffing issues which are affecting patient flow within the system. Be responsible for personal development and all duties are carried out with accordance within the clinical and quality assurance agenda within the Trust. Be accountable at all times and act in accordance with the Nursing & Midwifery Councils Code of Professional Conduct.
Give concise and timely updates on shift activity, problems occurring and difficulties resolved. Resources and Finance The post holder will ensure the proper use of the Trusts resources such as stationery, telephone usage, photocopying and other consumables in the course of business, ensuring minimal waste and minimal cost Organisational Responsibilities To maintain the confidentiality of the Trust in respect of patient and staff information obtained at all times, and use such information only as authorised for specific purposes. Report any concerns about the use of such information to the senior manager. Personal Responsibilities The post-holder is responsible for taking reasonable care with regard to himself/herself as well as for any colleagues, patients or visitors who might be affected by any act or failure to act by the post-holder in accordance with the Trusts policies on Health and Safety at Work.
To report any accident, untoward incident or loss relating to staff, patients or visitors according to Trust policies. To undertake in-service training relevant to the post. Comply with Trust Policies and Procedures. Area of work The post holder will be required to undertake training events at any site across the trust The post holder may be required to work on other wards/ department within the Trust at short notice to cover unplanned sickness or to cover planned sickness or annual leave on other wards/departments Staff Development, Training and Education The post holder will be required to undertake mandatory training and is responsible for keeping this training up to date The post holder will have an appraisal of performance each year and will be responsible for agreeing a development plan with their manager or immediate supervisor.
The development plan will be reviewed each year The Trust will provide assistance and agreed development to enable the post holder to achieve their objectives and standards in line with the development plan If the post holder feels he/she is not achieving their objective as agreed in the development plan they will bring it to the attention of their supervisor or manager at the earliest opportunity Health and Safety Work in accordance with Health and Safety regulations at all time Report any incidents of breaches of Health and Safety and report any dangerous acts or omissions that are seen in the course of duty that compromise the Health and Safety of staff or patients using the Trust Health and Safety policy Comply with audit recommendations and risk assessment recommendations to make the workplace and work practice safer Assist when required to do so, in any risk assessment activity undertaken. Additional Responsibilities: Responsible for other duties within the general scope of the post and appropriate to the grading, will be agreed with the post holder. Undertaking work outside normal hours - the post extends beyond the working day and hence the post holder will be required to undertake a mixture of core days, late and night shifts including weekend and bank holidays. In addition the post holder will be required to support the cover arrangements for the 24/7 rota.
The post holder should be comfortable in the use of computer technology, have basic keyboard skills and have the ability to use email


Please refer the Job description for details
