Start Date
Expiry Date
18 Mar, 25
Posted On
18 Nov, 24
0 year(s) or above
Remote Job
Sponsor Visa
Coaching, It, Creativity, Leadership Skills, Documentation, Independence, Athletic Training, Training, Personal Responsibility, Communication Skills
Information Technology/IT
English version below
Der Trainerinnenpool des Landessportbundes Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
umfasst die Trainerinnen der bestätigten Schwerpunktsportarten des
Landes. Die Aufgabe der Trainerinnen besteht darin, die Athletinnen
bzw. die Trainingsgruppen vereinsneutral zu betreuen und einen
langfristigen Leistungsaufbau zu ermöglichen. Dabei werden sie in den
verschiedenen Ausbildungsbereichen eingesetzt, um die Sportlerinnen
in die nächsthöhere Etappe zu begleiten. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams
am Bundesstützpunkt Schwimmen suchen wir einen
Die Vergütung orientiert sich an dem Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L).
Die Einstufung erfolgt bei Erfüllung der persönlichen Voraussetzungen in die Entgeltgruppe 11 TV-L.
Betriebliches Gesund-
30 Tage Urlaub
im Jahr
Unterstützung in der
Aus-/ Fortbildung
Sie sind interessiert? Dann bewerben Sie sich ganz einfach bis 30.11.2024 über unser
Bewerberin-Online-Portal_Kraft- und Athletiktrainerin Schwimmen am BSP Magdeburg auf www.lsb- | Landessportbund | Jobs im Sport. Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere
Personalreferentin Frau Wiese unter 0345 5279 107 oder
The coaching pool of the Saxony-Anhalt State Sports Association consists
of coaches from the state’s confirmed priority sports. The task of the
coaches is to supervise the athletes and training groups independently
of the club and to facilitate long-term performance development.
To strengthen our team, we are looking for a
University degree in sport (diploma, bachelor’s, master’s degree) or diploma in coaching or at least a
completed vocational qualification with a state final examination
At least level C license of the German Olympic Committee (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, DOSB)
Certification in the field of strength and athletic training desirable (e.g. DOSB, NSCA CSCS, UKSCA, ASCA, etc.)
Theoretical and practical knowledge and experience as a strength and conditioning coach
Experience and expertise in training planning, implementation and documentation
Strong teamwork and communication skills; innovation and creativity in the field of training
Social and pedagogical skills in dealing with adult athletes
Leadership skills and a high degree of personal responsibility and independence
IT skills for documenting, analyzing and interpreting data as well as knowledge and experience with
athlete monitoring
Valid car driving license
Good written and spoken German and English skills are desirable
Flexibility, ability to work under pressure and commitment (also at the weekend), willingness to travel on
We look forward to receiving your application!
Federal swimming center
Main responsibility for organization, structuring, planning and implementation of strength and
conditioning training for the elite group in high-performance swimming
Individual athlete-related planning, implementation and analysis of the strength and conditioning training
for daily training, training camps and competitions
Integrative work with an internationally successful team, including the national coach as well as the full-
time coaches and the manager at the federal swimming center
Collaboration and coordination with all stakeholders that work with the athletes and coaches, e.g. from
the physiotherapy and medicine, in order to customize the strength and conditioning training
Compliance with the current World Anti-Doping Code and the Code of Honor of the Saxony-Anhalt State
Sports Association