Non Resi Withdrawal Nurse Jan 25 at Swan Hill District Health
Swan Hill VIC 3585, Victoria, Australia -
Full Time

Start Date


Expiry Date

09 May, 25



Posted On

09 Feb, 25


2 year(s) or above

Remote Job




Sponsor Visa



Medical Records, It, Disciplinary Action, Confidentiality, Privacy Act


Hospital/Health Care



The primary role of the Non Resi withdrawal nurse is to work within the Counselling Services
multidisciplinary team providing assessment and provision of safe environment for clients seeking to
withdrawal from or reduce the harms of the use of alcohol and other drugs. This role will focus on providing
assessment, support, education and referrals for clients seeking support to reduce harmful drug use.
Registered nurses with interest and /or experience in withdrawal encouraged to apply.


Classification: Registered Nurse Classification Division 1 – Grade 4A Community Health.
Department: Counselling Services
Reports to: Mental Health Senior Manager
Position Summary: Whilst it is anticipated that withdrawal staff will be located with the
counselling staff presently at the Pritchard Street venue, it is recognised that
a component of service delivery will take place in the client’s home and a
Medical Clinic in liaison with a Medical Practitioner.
Responsibilities: The purpose of this position is to contribute to the provision of a safe
environment for clients seeking to withdraw from or reduce the harms
of the use of alcohol and other drugs. Delivery of non-residential

withdrawal services and supports includes:

  • Supporting clients to access hospital based withdrawal
  • Providing in home withdrawal support
  • Supporting clients in an outpatient setting
  • Assist individuals and families to establish healthier lifestyles that

lessen the negative impact of problematic alcohol and drug use.

The Role of the position is:

  • Provide comprehensive clinical withdrawal assessment, withdrawal

treatment, referral and information as required and to respond to
Assessment referrals provided by Australian Community Support

Organisation ( ACSO)

  • Utilise evidence based withdrawal management, pharmacotherapy and

behavioural therapies

  • Provide supports and treatment, using best practice principles including

Family Inclusive and Dual Diagnosis Practices.

  • Undertake exit planning and tracking of client’s recovery progress

as well as structured follow up at 3 and 12 months.

The Responsibilities of the position are:

  • Provide high quality engagement, assessment (as required), treatment

and support services to individuals and their families

  • Assess the suitability of clients referred for non-residential withdrawal

services and or respond to assessments provide by ACSO.

  • Facilitate the intake and assessment process in collaboration with

external providers

  • Work with clients to develop, implement and review their individual

therapeutic treatment goals and interventions including discharge

planning and follow up

  • Facilitate engagement of families and carers of individuals in treatment as


  • Liaise directly with the client’s general practitioner, nurse practitioner

(Addictions) and/or in the case of access to rural hospitals, the admitting

medical registrar.

  • Manage the administration of medically prescribed drugs in accordance

with the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981.
Prompt Doc No: SHDH0198742 v1.2
First Issued: 30/01/2023 Last Reviewed: 30/01/2023

Version Changed: 19/12/2024 UNCONTROLLED WHEN DOWNLOADED

  • Collaborate with a range of service providers and facilitate referrals to

other services if indicated.

  • Maintain and accurately record client progress and attend to

administrative information and collection and collation of relevant

mandatory and organisational data within given timeframes

  • Participate in clinical, group and management supervision and commit to

critical reflection and discussion of values and ethical conduct, including:
o Participation in professional network activities, including Advanced
Practitioner Panel engagement

o Commitment to the philosophy of harm minimisation

  • Undertake responsibilities of the position adhering to:
  • Professional standards, codes of practice and relevant legislation
  • Occupational Health & Safety Legislation and requirements
  • Organisational policies and procedures and quality assurance activities
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Actively participate in ongoing professional development attending

relevant training and education as required

your ability to perform the inherent requirements of your position.

  • Be familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures as detailed i


SHDH commits to meet the growing health care needs of our community
through our new vision to provide better connected care and to achieve the
best care experience.
Privacy and Confidentiality: SHDH are committed to protecting patient and staff privacy and
confidentiality, as it is an important aspect of our commitment to providing
high quality services. In accordance to both the Health Records Act and the
Information Privacy Act, information should only be used and disclosed for
the primary purpose of its collection.
Each employee has a responsibility to adhere to SHDH’s Privacy and
Prompt Doc No: SHDH0198742 v1.2
First Issued: 30/01/2023 Last Reviewed: 30/01/2023
Version Changed: 19/12/2024 UNCONTROLLED WHEN DOWNLOADED >
Confidentiality Policy, as it is a condition of employment. Any breach of the
rules of privacy and/or confidentiality relating to health service business,
patients or medical records will result in disciplinary action.
Mandatory Training: All employees must be aware of and complete designated mandatory training
within the required time frame.


• Take reasonable care for your safety and the safety of others while at


  • Report accidents, incidents and potential hazards as soon as

reasonably practicable to your supervisor and record on VHIMS

reporting system.

  • Advise your supervisor if you have an injury or illness that may affect

your ability to perform the inherent requirements of your position.

  • Be familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures as detailed in

the Emergency Procedures Manual.

  • Complete all Mandatory training requirements as identified and


  • Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all SHDH

O.H. & S. online Policies and Procedures.
Asset Management: Staff with asset management responsibilities are required to adhere to the
Asset Management Policy and Protocols.
Review: Completion of My Work Plan on a yearly basis.
Previous Revision dates: June 2016, June 2017
Current: January 2024
Prompt Doc No: SHDH0198742 v1.2
First Issued: 30/01/2023 Last Reviewed: 30/01/2023
Version Changed: 19/12/2024 UNCONTROLLED WHEN DOWNLOADED >

The Role of the position is:

  • Provide comprehensive clinical withdrawal assessment, withdrawa

The Responsibilities of the position are:

  • Provide high quality engagement, assessment (as required), treatmen