Person in Charge, Cavan at Orchard Care Group
Cavan, County Cavan, Ireland -
Full Time

Start Date


Expiry Date

05 Jun, 25



Posted On

05 Mar, 25


1 year(s) or above

Remote Job




Sponsor Visa



Children, Young People, Adobe, Residential Care


Hospital/Health Care



  • A recognised Level 8 Social Care qualification.
  • In cases where level 7 Social Care has been achieved, this must be accompanied with a qualification in management.
  • Evidence of CORU registration.
  • Three years’ direct experience of working in residential care, and/or managing services to vulnerable children and young people.
  • Four years’ direct experience of working in residential care, and/or managing services to vulnerable children and young people. If the qualification is not Social Care and CORU Registration has been attained.
  • Excellent communication and report writing skills.
  • Proficient IT skills and understanding of utilising word, adobe, excel etc.
  • Full clean drivers licence which has been held for more than one year


The Orchard Care Group is a wholly Irish owned company dedicated to providing the best possible care, supports and outcomes for children, young people, and adults in Ireland across a range of settings and locations, in fostering, disability and mainstream residential services.
The Group brings together three leading brands in Irish social care – Orchard Residential, Orchard Community Care and Orchard Fostering.



To lead, manage and support the Social Care team to deliver a high-quality service that promotes young people’s safety, well-being and development.
To contribute to the development of the service and to implement plans.
To ensure effective day to day running of Orchard Residential Care, within the framework of Orchard Residential Care policies and procedures and statutory regulations.
This post requires you to provide a monthly management report to the Director and to report in a timely manner on all matters as agreed.
To ensure that all standards in relation to the children/young person are upheld within the statutory framework and Orchard Residential Care standards.
This post requires you to ensure that the Children’s home reflects a culture that is inclusive, warm and nurturing where young people’s wellbeing and development is promoted.
To ensure that all matters regarding child protection are promoted and responded to in a pro-active and diligent manner. To protect young people from harm inside and outside of the home.
To ensure that the children/young person’s needs are recognised and met where possible. This includes ensuring that young people are free from discrimination within the home and to challenge discrimination within and from outside the home.
To ensure that the home meets the needs of individual child/young person and the needs of the group.
To take a lead role in agreement with the Head of Services for responding to referrals and assessing the child/young person’s suitability for placement.
To ensure that the admission of a child/young person is welcoming and reflects the expectations of the placement plan.
To ensure that each child’s/young person placement follows their placement plan and that each child has an up to date individual care plan based on an assessment of their needs.
To ensure that the child/young persons’ progress is regularly reviewed and that the care team are adapting their approach in relation to the child/young person’s developmental needs.
To ensure that the child/young person are informed of their rights and responsibilities enabling them to take greater control of their lives.
To attend children/young persons’ case reviews, planning meetings and other meetings as required.
To ensure that transition plans for the child/young person leaving the home are carried out positively and within Orchard Residential Care guidelines.


The post holder is responsible for the line management and supervision of the Social Care team. It is also part of this responsibility to ensure that the Social Care team works positively with Education and Therapeutic Support Services as part of an integrated Orchard Residential Care team.
To provide each member of the Care team a minimum of 1 supervision per month.
To be pro-active in supporting the Social Care team by ensuring that there is opportunity for discussion with individuals and in team meetings.
To ensure that the Social Care team is appropriately supported and trained in dealing with challenging situations and the demands of the work.
To liaise with Education and Therapeutic Support Services to ensure positive and supportive levels of communication.
To ensure that every staff member within Orchard Residential Care and the Head of Services are informed of all relevant issues, especially significant incidents, as appropriate.
To ensure effective recruitment processes for the Social Care team and to be directly involved as appropriate.
To ensure effective staff training and development and to be directly involved in the delivery as appropriate.
To be involved in the monitoring and where necessary the discipline of staff.
To ensure that Social Care Workers are appraised annually.
To ensure that the Social Care team are working within an environment and conditions that comply with health and safety and employment regulations.
To ensure appropriate staffing levels are maintained in the Home and that cover is provided where there is illness or annual leave.


The post holder is responsible for the effective and efficient financial management of the Children’s Home.
To ensure that the financial management of the Children’s Home is in line with the requirements of Orchard Residential Care policy and the Head of Services.
To ensure always that the occupancy levels of the Children’s Home are being optimised and to contribute wherever possible in promoting positive referrals.
To ensure that the use of resources (staff, equipment and daily expenditure) is in line with Orchard Residential Care policy. To be pro-active in ensuring that resources are matched efficiently to the requirements of the day-to-day task.
To ensure that any expenditure outside of that agreed in the daily management of the Children’s Home service is approved by the Head of Services.
To collaborate with the Director and other Orchard managers to ensure the effective deployment of staff and other resources across the whole organisation.


The post holder is responsible for the effective implementation and compliance with all Orchard Residential Care policies and Statutory Regulations.
To ensure that all Orchard Residential Care policies and procedures relevant to the Children’s Home, and Statutory Regulations are followed and implemented appropriately.
To ensure that the Head of Services is notified of any proposed changes to policy for approval and to not allow any changes without approval.
To ensure that the Children’s Home is complying at all times with Statutory Regulations.
To ensure that the Home is maintained to a high standard, reflecting a warm, cared for, nurturing and child centred environment.
To ensure that all written communication and records, such as, daily reports, incident reports, monthly reports to SW’s, Case Review reports, etc., are written to a high professional standard. To monitor all communications to ensure that they reflect the quality of therapeutic work taking place, including the context of any situations referred to and follow up work, etc.
To ensure that the recommendations from monitoring visits are responded to in a timely and appropriate manner. To positively lead the management of the Children’s Home to achieve the level of Outstanding.
To liaise wherever necessary with external professionals in response to inspections to ensure the professional representation of the Children’s Home and Orchard Residential Care.
To ensure that all significant matters regarding the care and well-being of young people are reported to the appropriate individuals and authorities within the set time scales.
To pro-actively maintain Orchard Residential Care policy on confidentiality, equal opportunities and anti-oppressive practices. Be pro-active in implementing the organisations model of care: Three Pillars (training will be supplied).


The post holder is responsible to contribute to the development of Orchard Residential Care and implement changes as agreed with the Head of Services.
To raise any general matters related to the positive development of the Children’s Home and Orchard Residential Care with the Head of Services.
To ensure that the requirements of the post holder’s development are acted upon in agreement with the Head of Services.
To positively contribute to and implement change in agreement with the Head of Services.
To attend monthly management meetings and take a solution focused approach regarding operational or development concerns across the organisation.
To attend and engage in all mandatory training as required by regulations and Orchard Residential Services.


To undertake any other appropriate tasks requested by the Head of Services within the competence of the post holder.
This is a description of the job as it is at present constituted.
It is the practice of Orchard Residential Care to periodically examine job descriptions and to update them to ensure that they relate to the job as then being performed, or to incorporate whatever changes are being proposed.
It is Orchard Residential Care aim to reach agreement on reasonable changes, but if agreement is not possible, Orchard Residential Care reserves the right to insist on changes to the job description after consultation with the post holder
