As the Portfolio Manager your main responsibilities are to be accountable to the Head of Delivery for the safe delivery of a portfolio of projects and programmes of work within the mandated output, time and cost criteria, to ensure maximum benefit is obtained from the investment within the current regulatory review period.
- Deliver a portfolio of programme and projects of major capital projects for Asset Management, Customer Connections and Future Networks programme at a value of c£60m p.a.
- To provide the leadership, daily direction of Programme and Senior Project Managers and associated support functions including Health and Safety, PMO, Design, Commercial, Operations, Consents and Procurement thereby being accountable for all aspects of delivery of their portfolio including time, cost, quality, health & safety and environmental performance
- To ensure risk and opportunity management is undertaken across their portfolio
- Forecast expenditure, project and sub-programme milestones, regulatory outputs and resource requirements.
- Manage the performance of the assigned portfolio plan including safety, cost and schedule efficiencies targeted, network performance and customer experience
- Ensure that all appropriate regulatory, statutory and UK Power Networks standards are met
- Visibly help develop processes to improve problem solving and challenge to existing solutions, allowing a lower cost design and installation approach to all programmes and projects as part of achieving efficiency targets.
- Ensure review and continuous improvement of the project delivery team’ and support functions knowledge and skill base through training, coaching & staff development
- Ensure compliance with CDM 2015 Regulations requirements and codes of practice across the portfolio.
- Accountable for the on-going development of a robust programme and project strategies to ensure delivery and completion of the Capital Programme outputs.
- Manage working relationships with contractors and suppliers and external stakeholders at all levels in respective organisations from company directors to field staff using influencing skills and challenging behaviours inconsistent with vision and values both internally and with external stakeholders.
- Develop a good working relationship across all UK Power Networks directorates and internal stakeholders and at all levels in the organisation from Chief Executive Officer and directors to field based staff
- Ensure that all portfolio and project lessons learnt are captured and implemented within the region and overall UK Power Networks business following project governance and companywide processes.
- Manage both strategic and tactical aspects of multiple or large scale programme and project, focusing on outputs to achieve medium term objectives and business plans.
- Ensure that commercial arrangements are managed with others including Alliance members, delivery partners and other suppliers to ensure that contractual conditions and clauses are met and that robust cost controls are in place
- Ensure that all work is carried out to provide very high levels of Customer Service e.g. minimise Customer Interruptions (CI’s) & Customer Minutes Lost (CML’s), network risk, and customer complaint
- Ensure the programme and project managers and operational stall support Network Operations directorate with major network and/or plant and equipment failures and subsequent repairs or replacements to minimise impact on network customer CI’s and CML’s
- May be asked to participate in ‘Business Change’ or other ‘Special’ projects in addition to existing role and duties
Managers and supervisors carry both legal and company responsibilities for ensuring the health and safety of their employees, those under their control and those who might be affected by the work undertaken, i.e. public, visitors and employees of other organisations. This includes briefing individuals working for them and ensuring there is the necessary understanding, competence and application of requirements to work safely and without harming the environment.
Employees will ensure they understand the health and safety risks involved in their work activities and their responsibility to apply the controls needed to manage those risks to acceptable levels. Similarly where work activities can have an adverse impact upon the environment, and where there are legal requirements, employees will understand those impacts and the controls they must ensure are applied.
If in doubt ask!