Student Assistant Research - India (m/f/d)
at Statista GmbH
20355 Hamburg, Neustadt, Germany -
Start Date | Expiry Date | Salary | Posted On | Experience | Skills | Telecommute | Sponsor Visa |
Immediate | 17 Dec, 2024 | Not Specified | 21 Sep, 2024 | N/A | English | No | No |
Required Visa Status:
Citizen | GC |
US Citizen | Student Visa |
H1B | CPT |
OPT | H4 Spouse of H1B |
GC Green Card |
Employment Type:
Full Time | Part Time |
Permanent | Independent - 1099 |
Contract – W2 | C2H Independent |
C2H W2 | Contract – Corp 2 Corp |
Contract to Hire – Corp 2 Corp |
- Enrolled as a full-time bachelor’s or master’s student (mandatory).
- Interested in finding a job with 15 to 20 hours per week.
- Exceptional written and spoken English.
- Knowledge about India and knows one or more Indian languages
- Ability to describe complicated data in a concise and understandable manner.
- Structured, organized, and independent working style with attention to quality and accuracy.
At Statista, we’re all about facts and data, that’s why we are the world’s leading business data platform.
By providing reliable and easy-to-use data as well as various data analytics products and services, we empower people worldwide to make fact-based decisions.
Founded in Hamburg in 2007, we have quickly grown into a global company with offices in major cities such as London, New York and Tokyo. And we still have a lot of plans. Our constant growth does not only prove our success, but also keeps creating new development and career opportunities for our employees.
At Statista we value and celebrate our diverse culture. You are welcome here for who you are, no matter where you come from, what you look like, or whether you prefer bar graphs to pie charts. Your story matters – keep writing it as part of our team.
Are you ready to join us?
- Assisting our editors in expanding statistical content about India.
- Processing data using our content management system.
- Updating and editing existing statistical content and writing related editorial texts.
- Secondary research on key industries in the region, utilizing local sources.
Min:N/AMax:5.0 year(s)
Information Technology/IT
Software Engineering
20355 Hamburg, Germany